Information on using Google Sheets
Search and Replace Functions
‘=Substitute‘ is a simple function for find and replace
The following hints work in both the regular search and replace module and in ‘=Regexreplace‘
- Put the search sting in ” “
- ‘.’ is wild card for one character
- ‘.+’ is wild card for multiple characters
- ‘\s’ is wild card for a space
- ‘[A-Z]’ will find and character from A-Z, use ‘[a-z]’ for a-z
- Putting ( ) around a section means that you want it to show up in the replace result
- Use the ‘$x’ where x is the number of the ( ) to place the section in the replace result
- Example is $1 for first block and $2 for second block
- Example 916-456-7894, search “(.+)-(.+)-(.+)” , replace “$1 $2 $3” get you 916 456 7894
- Example Specialty-Other, find (.+)-.+, replace $1, gets you Specialty
openpyxl (for working with Excel files and LibreCalc files with xlsx extensions)
- Getting a worksheet by name: wb.sheet_by_name(“_____”)
- Getting a worksheet by name: wb.sheet_by_id(0)
- getting the active worksheet{
Getting and Setting a Cell’s Value
- Two options:
- sheet.getRange(row@,col#).getValue()
- sheet.getRange(“cell location, ie B12”).getValue()
- sheet.getRange(either option above).setValue(“value here”)
Find Similar Text – How to VLOOKUP, MATCH Inconsistent Text
- Video instructions for installing and using
- Install findsimilartext to google sheets to find approximate matches
- Use xMatch for confirming lists for example in RPA retired lists
- Use ISNUMBER with XMATCH to get True or False answers
Regular Expressions
Site to test a regular expressions and a cheat sheet <>
Query Statements
- =QUERY(MainList!A1:C,”SELECT * WHERE LOWER (A) LIKE LOWER (‘%”&B1&”%’)”, -1)
Pull Year from Date
- use “=YEAR(Column Letter)” without the quotes to create a new column with just the year
=YEAR(Column Letter)
Using Python to update Sheets
___.update_acell (cell, “”)
___.update_cell(row, col, “”)
list = ___.findall(“”)