Information on Using Linux OS and Commands.
Installing GNUcash on Ubuntu using flatpack
Has instructions on installing and uninstalling newer versions.
sudo apt install flatpak flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists flathub flatpak install flathub org.gnucash.GnuCash flatpak update org.gnucash.GnuCash flatpak uninstall org.gnucash.GnuCash
Once installed in terminal <flatpak run org.gnucash.GnuCash/x86_64/stable>
How can I remove hidden in linux files I mean file start with dot(.)?
rm -rf .<file-name/directory-name> to delete a single file or directory.
Desktop Shortcut creation with gnome-desktop-item-edit
The gnome-desktop-item-edit
command may be missing as it is not installed by default. You can install it by opening up terminal and entering the following linux command:
$ sudo apt-get install --no-install-recommends gnome-panel
To create a new desktop shortcut launcher on Ubuntu 18.04 execute the following linux command:
$ gnome-desktop-item-edit ~/Desktop/ --create-new
Linux Command Handbook
This Linux Command Handbook covers 60 core Bash commands you will need as a developer. Each entry includes example code and tips for when to use that command. You can bookmark this in your browser or download a PDF version for free. (1 hour read):
- tldr terminal command
- Usage: tldr <command you want hints for>
- Use to find simple options for using the command in question
- Sudo apt install tldr (to install)
- cmatrix terminal command
- run in terminal and it opens up a screen like seen in the Matrix Movie
- use cmatrix –help to see options
- sudo apt install cmatrix
- To add ‘sudo’ to a previous command, use <sudo !!>
- Calendar Command <cal>
- sudo install ncal
- cal (current month)
- cal -y (gives current year calendar)
- cal mo yr == cal 8 1982
- cal -3 (gives 3 months of calendars)
nmap – use to check for ‘holes’ in home network
sudo install nmap
nmap -sT <put network IP address here>
nmpa -script vuln <put network IP address here>
Creating a New File from the Terminal
touch nameofthenewfile.filetype
Small Linux Distros
- Lubuntu
- Puppy Linux (may run from USB)
- Sparky Linux
- AntiX Linux
- Linux Lite
- Zorin OS Lite
- Slax (states can run from USB drive but I could not get it to boot)
Running a Python Program Directly from the Terminal
You have to add a first line with the text #!/usr/bin/env python
For Python, this is a simple comment, but for the operating system, this line indicates what program must be used to run the file.
This line begins with the #!
character combination, which is commonly called hash bang or shebang, and continues with the path to the interpreter.
There are two ways to specify the path to the interpreter:
: writing the absolute path#!/usr/bin/env python
: using the operating systemenv
command, which locates and executes Python by searching thePATH
environment variable
This last option is useful if you bear in mind that not all Unix-like systems locate the interpreter in the same place.
Finally, to execute a script like this one, you need to assign execution permissions to it and then type in the filename at the command-line.
Here’s an example of how to do this:
$ # Assign execution permissions
$ chmod +x
$ # Run the script by using its filename
$ ./
Hello World!
With execution permissions and the shebang line properly configured, you can run the script by simply typing its filename at the command-line.
Finally, you need to note that if your script isn’t located at your current working directory, you’ll have to use the file path for this method to work correctly.
Suggestion from Explaining Computers Video (on Batteries for Raspberry Pi, May 2, 2021)
- Line to place at the top of the beginning of the python program
- #! /user/bin/env python
- Lines to place in Linux bash script
- #! /bin/bash
- /user/bin/python <full path to python file you want to run>
i3-wm Window Manager
i3-wm is the name of a different package than i3. i3 is a meta-package with dependencies to other packages (required: i3-wm, recommended: dunst, i3lock, i3status, suckless-tools). i3-wm is the package containing the actual files (binaries, configuration and documentation) of the i3 window manager, which is the package that needs to be removed. You can uninstall this package with <sudo apt-get purge i3-wm>
Setting VNC to Show Camera Preview on Raspberry Pi
In the Real VNC Server (running on the host computer)
Goto Options in the menu and then goto Troubleshooting
Enable ‘experimental direct captive mode’
Screenshots using Scropt
- scrot (by itself will take a screenshot and save it to working directory)
- scrot /path/screenshotname.png
- scrot -u (captures the active window)
- scrot -u -d 10 (gives a 10 second delay before the screenshot)
- scrot -s (waits for window click or hold left mouse button to select a rectangle)
- GUI frontend = sudo install gnome-screenshot
- Python uses scrot in the background
- pysimplegui
- myscreenshot = pysimplegui.screenshot()
- pillow
- from PIL import ImageGrab(bbox=x,y,w,h)
- example of x,y,w,h ==> 0,0,700,800
- pysimplegui
Installing Linux Mint on an External Drive and Recovering from Boot Issues
- Format the SSD with an ext4 partition and a NTFS partition
- Boot computer with a USB drive created with a Mint ISO
- Once Mint is running on the computer, plug in the external SSD drive
- Click on installing Mint
- Installation Type = Something else
- Pick sdb1 (the drive you want to install to) ext4
- Use As: ext4 journaling file system
- Follow the install instructions
- This will create an SSD that will boot but may make it so that the computer used to make the SSD may no longer boot with the SSD plugged in
- To Fix the above issue where the computer will not boot without the attached drive
- unplug the external SSD
- boot the computer
- when you get to the ‘grub’ prompt:
- use ls to get list of drives and find the drive with the boot directory
- do not use the EFI partition
- at the grub prompt:
- set prefix=(hd0, gpt2)/boot/grub
- set root=(hd0, gpt2)
- insmod normal
- normal
- the computer should automatically boot
- after it boots, open the Terminal and type:
- sudo update-grub
- sudo grub-install /dev/sda
- this should fix the boot issue and the computer should boot without the SSD attached now
Capturing Video Using Linux
- Using HDMI Capture Device and OBS Studio
Setting up Alternatives for Python Versions
- sudo -alternatives –config python3
- pick the version you want to make default
Finding Current IP Address use <ip a>
Finding PUID and PGID
- Useful for setting up Docker containers
- PUID = user ID
- PGID = group ID
- Find using either:
- ‘id $user’ or just ‘id’ in a Linux Terminal
- id -u user (give the id of the user, for example id -g pi
- id -g user (gives the id of the group the user belongs to)
Working with PDF Files, Combining PDFs using Poppler
- Debian / Ubuntu-based distros: sudo apt install poppler-utils
- Use the pdfseparate command to extract all the pages into individual PDF pages.
- pdfseparate final_pdf.pdf final_pdf-page_%d.pdf
- You can also export a range of pages. For example, use the following command to extract pages 25,26,27,28,29,30 and 31 of a PDF document.
- pdfseparate -f 25 -l 31 FOSSBook.pdf FOSSBook-page_%d.pdf
- Merge PDFs with pdfunite
- pdfunite pdf_1.pdf pdf_2.pdf merged_file.pdf
- pdfunite *.pdf merged_file.pdf
Mount a USB Drive to the Raspberry Pi
- To check where the drive has been mounted:
- sudo cat /proc/mounts
- Find UUID directly:
- ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid
- Find name of drive:
- df -h
- Find information about drive:
- sudo blkid /dev/sda1 (replace /dev/sda with name of drive above)
- make a directory where we will mount our drive to
- sudo mkdir -p /mnt/usb1
- Give pi ownership of the folder
- sudo chown -R pi:pi /mnt/usb1
- to give full access to a directory
- sudo chmod 777 <directory path/name>
- Modify the fstab file to make it available every boot:
- sudo nano /etc/fstab
- add to the bottom of the file:
- UUID=[UUID] /mnt/usb1 [TYPE] defaults,auto,users,rw,nofail,noatime 0 0
- save the fstab file
- unmount the drive
- sudo umount /dev/sda1
- remount the drive:
- sudo mount -a
- reboot
- sudo nano /etc/fstab
Installing KDE Plasma over Raspberry Pi OS (From leepspvideo, March 30, 2022)
- sudo apt install kde-plasma-desktop
- pick the ‘sddm’ option when it is offered
- reboot and log back in choosing the plasma option from the top left dropdown list
- open start menu and search for ‘compositor’ and turn it off
- add h264ify to chromium and block 60 fps video playback
- to use the windows key after adding a new desktop
- right click on the menu, configure launcher, change none to alt-win-F1 (might need the function key)
Bash Scripting
- Script naming:
- Simple way to create a script is to use: nano
- Start script with: #!/bin/bash or, in general, #!pathtolanguage such as python
- Run a script with: bash
- Make a script executable with: chmod +x
- Then you can run the script using: ./
- Use ls – l to get a list of files and their permissions
- Bash Scripting Tutorial – Linux Shell Script and Command Line for Beginners
How to Search and Find Files in Terminal
Changing a File’s Timestamp
- Using the Linux ‘touch’ command
Ln Command in Linux (Create Symbolic Links)
- A symbolic link, also known as a symlink or soft link, is a special type of file that points to another file or directory.
- To create a symbolic link to a given file, open your terminal and type:
- ln -s source_file symbolic_link
- Replace source_file with the name of the existing file for which you want to create the symbolic link and symbolic_link with the name of the symbolic link.
- ln -s my_file.txt my_link.txt
Attribute Changing Terminal Commands
- Use the touch command to set a specific timestamp for an existing file:
- touch -t <timestamp> <filename>
- The timestamp format follows a specific pattern:
- [[CC]YY]MMDDhhmm[.ss]
- The touch command uses the -d option to set a timestamp using a date string:
- touch -d <string> <filename>
- touch-d ’12 June’ filenamehere #will change the timestamp to current year
- The date string is a flexible time format and accepts many different human-readable textual forms. Some examples include:
- Calendar dates, such as
19 August 2020
. - Time of day, such as
. - Days of the week, such as
, etc. - Relative time, such as
5 years ago
,next tuesday
, etc.
- Calendar dates, such as
Youtube Keyboard Commands or Shortcuts
- Spacebar = play or pause
- Left or Right Arrows = back or forward 5 seconds
- m = mute
- i (lower case)= back 10 seconds
- I (upper case) = forward 10 seconds
- f = full screen
- F or ESC = exit full screen
- c = closed caption on
- C = closed caption off
Keyboard Shortcuts for Linux
- Win Key + Arrows == move the application around the screen and dock it to different areas
- Ctrl + Alt + Arrows == switches desktops (work spaces)
SSH Installation and Activation
- Enable SSH
- sudo apt install openssh-server
- sudo ufw allow ssh
- /sbin/service sshd start
- Disable SSH
- sudo systemctl disable –now ssh
- Re-enable SSH
- sudo systemctl enable –now ssh
- Status
- /sbin/service sshd status
- sudo systemctl status ssh
- Shell in a Box
- terminal based in a web browser using port 4200
- sudo apt install shellinabox
- https://<the ip address here>:4200
- Using SSH to connect and get programs to run in GUI mode
- ssh -X username@ipaddress
- Seems to work with programs like GNUCash
Armbian Linux
- Installing Discover Software Store
- sudo apt-get install plasma-discover
- Installing Snap Store
- sudo apt install snapd
- sudo apt install core
- sudo apt install snapd-store
Setting Up a Realtek Wifi USB Card
- lshw -C network
- ls usb or sudo lsusb -v
- Using the add through PPA method worked — To add Kelebek repository
- sudo add-apt-repository ppa:kelebek333/kablosuz
- sudo apt-get update
- sudo apt-get install rtl8188fu-dkms
- (Optional) To purge the now-no-longer-needed packages
- sudo apt purge rtl8188fu-dkms
- echo “options rtl8188fu rtw_ips_mode=0” | sudo tee /etc/modprobe.d/rtl8188fu.conf
- Then key in and press Enter:
- sudo modprobe -rv rtl8188fu && sudo modprobe -v rtl8188fu
- Reboot
- Find the Ubuntu drivers install in settings
- Install the driver
- Pick the network
- Then key in and press Enter:
- if needed: sudo apt purge rtl8188fu-dkms
HP 600 G3 Hints
- Boot Menu
- Press the ESC key during boot up
- Pick the choice under F9
- Drive Options
- PCIe NMVe TLC SSD M.2 2280 M-Key
- M.2 /4x PCIe 4.0 /NVMe
- WiFi Card
- Wifi and Bluetooth M.2 2230
- Memory
- 1.2v DDR4-SDRAM
- Unbuffered non ECC 260 pin
- CAS latency 15 DDR4 2400 mHz )15-15-15 timing)
Installing USB Wifi Adapter Realtek
- Try installing drivers from the settings menu
- sudo add-apt-repository ppa:kelebek333/kablosuz
- sudo apt update
- sudo apt install rtl8188fu-dkms
- Another option:
- One suggestion
- sudo apt update
- sudo apt install dkms bc git
- git clone
- sudo dkms add ./rtl88x2BU_WiFi_linux_v5.3.1_27678.20180430_COEX20180427-5959
- sudo dkms install -m rtl88x2bu -v 5.3.1
- sudo modprobe 88x2bu
- One suggestion
Installing Bluetooth Adapter
- sudo apt install bluez* #may or may not be needed
- sudo apt install blueman
- sudo systemctl enable bluetooth.service
- sudo systemctl start bluetooth.service
Installing Drivers for USB WiFi Bluetooth Adapter, 1300Mbps Dual Band 2.4/5Ghz Wireless Network External Receiver, Mini WiFi Dongle (Auscoumer)
- From:
- In Ubuntu Terminal:
- git clone
- cd rtl88x2bu
- VER=$(sed -n ‘s/\PACKAGE_VERSION=”\(.*\)”/\1/p’ dkms.conf) [I am trying to figure out what PACKAGE_VERSION refers to???]
- sudo rsync -rvhP ./ /usr/src/rtl88x2bu-${VER}
- sudo dkms add -m rtl88x2bu -v ${VER}
- sudo dkms build -m rtl88x2bu -v ${VER}
- sudo dkms install -m rtl88x2bu -v ${VER}
- sudo modprobe 88x2bu
- Other option at Kuan Yi Li’s Blog
- Find the latest deb packages from Kali’s repository.
depends onrealtek-rtl8814au-dkms
since 25th of May 2021, so we’ll get deb files of these two. - wget
- sudo apt update
- sudo apt install ./realtek-rtl88xxau-dkms_5.6.4.2~git20230203.d98018d-0kali1_all.deb ./realtek-rtl8814au-dkms_5.8.5.1~git20221110.932df6f-0kali1_all.deb
- Another Option I found that worked for me at:
- Install “hardinfo” via Ubuntu Software or Synaptic Package Manager if you don’t have it.
- Run System Profiter and look at USB Wi-Fi adapter, go find it under “Devices -> USB Devices“
- Or use ‘lsusb’ in terminal
- Disable Secure Boot
- sudo add-apt-repository ppa:kelebek333/kablosuz
- sudo apt update
- Open “Synaptic Package Manager“, navigate to “Origin” tab in the left. Finally click on “LP-PPA-kelebek333-drivers” or “LP-PPA-kelebek333-kablosuz” then pick apply
- For my dual Wifi/USB adapter, used rtl8188gu-dkms
- Restart the computer after installing the module
- ls /usr/lib/modules/$(uname -r)/updates/dkms
- sudo modprobe rtl8188gu-dkms (or was it just 8188gu)
- lsmod |grep rtl8188gu-dkms (or was it just 8188gu) to confirm installation
- Rebooted again
- Went to Drivers in software menu
- Drivers were present at this point
- Picked from the list ‘rtl8822bu in DKMS from rtl8822bu-dkms’
- Installing Realtek Driver after a Kernel Update
- Download the RTL8188AU Wireless Driver and Instuctions (Keep these on a USB or safe place for future use).
- Wireless Driver URL:
- Instructions URL:…
Installing Intel Wifi Module and Drivers
- Go to the Intel Linux Driver Downloads 12.1k page.
- Download the appropriate driver for your card.
- Download and extract the files in the tarball to your downloads folder or other location.
- Open your terminal and cd into the directory containing the files you just extracted.
- sudo cp iwlwifi-ty-a0-gf-a0-XX.gcode /lib/firmware
- Run this command. Replace XX with the version number of your driver (or just use tab autofill):
- Reboot your laptop.
Installing WiFi Drivers in Kali Linux
- If you have installed kali linux on a VMWare workstation or even on your physical machine, you may be able to try and use this steps mentioned in the tutorial.
- If you have installed KALI on a fresh pc or vm then you may find your wifi network adapter not functioning, this tutorial is to get you on board with wifi support post kali linux installation
- Procedure 1: Check if your wifi driver is installed In terminal type – ifconfig / airmon-ng
- Procedure 2: If you haven’t found any wlan0 or wlan1 on the kali network settings, please install wifi driver
- Procedure 3: Download link for the driver is…
- Procedure 4: Post downloading the driver pack from the above link, go to the downloaded folder and then open a terminal by right clicking inside the download folder. Now extract the content of the file using the command below tar – jxvf compat-wireless-2010-06-26-p
- Procedure 5: Post extraction, get inside the extracted folder and use the below command to setup your wifi driver
- Make unload (Wait for the unload to complete before executing command two)
- Make load
- Supported Wireless cards: Alfa Long-Range Dual-Band AC1200 – Alfa AWUS036NHA – Alfa AWUSO36NH – Alfa AWUS036NEH – Alfa AC1900 – Alfa Long-Range Dual-Band AC1200 – Panda Wireless PAU06 – Panda Wireless PAU09 – TP-Link TL-WN722N
- Note: Inbuilt WIFI adapter have compatibility issue with Kali Linux
Installing Ventoy to a USB Drive Using Terminal
- Download the Linux Ventoy tar from their website
- Extract the files
- cd to the directory where the files are located
- sudo ./ -i /dev/sdb (where sdb in the name of the USB drive)
Copy Specific Files Using Find and CP (copy) Commands
- cd into the directory you want to copy
- find . -name ‘*.csv’ -exec cp –parents \{\} /home/marc/Desktop/testdir \;
- find -type f -name “*.csv” -exec cp {} /home/marc/Desktop/testdir/ “;”
Copy Files Using the Rsync Command
- rsync <Command> <Source/> <Target/>
- archive = -a
- do a dry run –dry-run
- verbose(gets list) -v
- human readable format -h
- delete files in Target that are not in the Source –delete
- shows progress -P
- compress files for transfer (best for network copy) -z
- prune empty directories -m
- allow resuming aborted syncs –partial or -n
- all directories included (use a trailing /) -r
- can combine options for example -avr
- example:
- rsync -avr include=”*.JPG” exclude=”*.*” ~/media/marc/172E-7A4E/Pictures-2018 ~/media/marc/One Touch
Missing Terminal After Python Upgrade
- Answer at:
- Open editor and file: sudo nano /usr/bin/gnome-terminal
- Change the line: !/usr/bin/python3 to !/usr/bin/python3.6 (or 3.8 or 3.whatever version works)
Checking for Malware
- ClamAV
- Rkhunter
- Chkrootkit
Switching Python versions – Alternatives
- In the terminal use the following commands:
- update-alternatives –config python3
- update-alternatives –list python3
Install kvm on ubuntu
- Check to make sure virtualization is active
- For HP Computer enable Virtualization Tech (Vtx) in the bios
- Start the virtual manager
- sudo virt-manager
Editing the UEFI Boot Menu
- sudo nano /etc/default/grub
- Edit this file and change the default from 0 to the number of the item you want to boot
- In Linux,
can do the job: Typeefibootmgr
orefibootmgr -v
to see the entries, then doefibootmgr -b # -B
to delete entry#
. (You must type these commands asroot
or usingsudo
.) -
Create a Custom ISO Image Using Cubic
How to fix ‘ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘apt_pkg’?
- On Ubuntu 18.04, use this $ cd /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages $ sudo cp
- This worked for me as well… I listed all the files on the
, and I saw that I didn’t have
, but I
… I copied this file
and worked perfectly!
Changing Boot Order UEFI
- Start by creating a backup of the config file with the following command:
sudo cp /etc/default/grub /etc/default/grub.bak
- open the config file with a text editor. We’ll use nano.
sudo nano /etc/default/grub
- Change the value of the GRUB_DEFAULT line according to your current boot menu order.
- update GRUB with
sudo update-grub
SSD Health and Monitoring
- sudo apt install smartmontools
- sudo smartctl -t short -a /dev/sda (where sda is the name of the drive)
- sudo smartctl -a /dev/sda
Hard Drive Cloning
- Download clonezilla from
- use the alternative stable ubuntu version
- use gparted to check disk status and size
- if cloning Windows, use Windows checkdisk (chkdsk) to test disk before using gparted
- Cloning a Hard Drive: Options to choose
- device-device
- Beginner mode
- disk to local disk
- choose keep Clonezilla running
- copy disk’s bootloader -Y
Install Flatpak on Ubuntu running Plasma Desktop
- sudo apt-get install plasma-discover-backend-flatpak plasma-discover -y
- flatpak applications should be found in the discover apt at this point
- Use ‘Warehouse’ app to manage flatpak applications
Samba Installing and Using
Adding Microsoft Fonts to Linux
- sudo apt install ttf-mscorefonts-installer
Ubuntu Server
- adding a desktop GUI to Server
- sudo apt-get install xfce4-session xface4-goodies
- sudo apt install kde-plasma-desktop
- sudo apt install mate-desktop-environment
- adduser <username you want to add>
- usermod -aG sudo <user you just created> (adds the new user to the sudo group)
- set permit root login to No for ssh access
- sudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config
- sudo systemctl restart ssh
Installing and Removing Vivaldi
- Installing
- echo “deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/vivaldi-browser.gpg arch=$(dpkg –print-architecture)] stable main” | sudo dd of=/etc/apt/sources.list.d/vivaldi-archive.list
- wget -qO- | gpg –dearmor | sudo dd of=/usr/share/keyrings/vivaldi-browser.gpg
- sudo apt update && sudo apt install vivaldi-stable
- Removing
- sudo apt remove vivaldi-stable
- rm -rf ~/.config/vivaldi
- rm -rf ~/.cache/vivaldi
Cloudflare Zero Trust Tunnels
- Domain
- Edge Certificate
- Always use –HTTPS, –Turn on
- Zero Trust
- Authentication
- One Time Pin
- Access
- applications
- selfhosted
- give application a name
- put an * in subdomain box
- policy name = default
- configure rules = email
- add your email
Root Access
- sudo su
- cd /. or cd .root/
- sudo chmod o+x /root/
- Use Nala to update Linux systems from multiple mirrors at once
- Sudo nala install
- sudo nala fetch (to choose the mirror sites)
- sudo nala update
- sudo nala upgrade
Bash Commands
- mkdir -p <nameyouwantfordirectory>
- use this to create a new directory, it will check to make sure one does not already exists
- ip -4 -brief a
- easier to fine the ip address, less additional information shows up
- Fun bash commands, can be installed using sudo apt install
- btop
- ranger (file manager)
- fastfetch
- sudo add-apt-repository ppa:zhangsongcui3371/fastfetch
- sudo apt update
- sudo apt install fastfetch
- lsd
- ncdu
- hollywood
- use in SSH to unlock the session
- loginctl unlock-sessions
Virtual Screen – add tablet as a second monitor
- kbunsik/virtscreen
- Needs x11vnc
- Deskreen
- Needs virtual display adapter attached to computer
- Attach adapter to one of the HDMI or DP outputs on the computer
- Waylus
Fix for a Broken Install
- sudo apt –fix-broken install
- possible fix for not booting at all
- boot from a live cd into a temporary instance of ubuntu
- sudo add-apt-repository ppa.yannubuntu/boot-repair
- sudo apt update
- sudo apt install boot-repair
- boot-repair
- follow instructions
Get Information on the Computers CPU
Modifying PATH in Linux
Terminal Command to Find Other Commands
apropos __________ (where the blank is what you are trying to do)