
Links to Websites that give hints or instructions.

Testing Python Regular Expressions = https://pythex.org/

Testing XPath Queries = http://xpather.com/

Information on Python = https://softhints.com/

Use ChatGPT to Build a Low Code RegEx Generator = https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/use-chatgpt-to-build-a-regex-generator/

Public API = https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/public-apis-for-developers/

Python Automation Scripts = https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/python-automation-scripts/

Holy Python for Tutorials = https://holypython.com/

Cheat Sheet = https://devhints.io/

Diagram and Flowchart creation = draw.io

Emerson Easy Read Blue Thermostat = https://thermostat.guide/emerson/emerson-1f95ez-0671-easy-reader-thermostat-owners-manual/

Setup for RDP Connection = https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WjgDTO29MVA&list=TLPQMzAxMDIwMjT0Otkw4e0EMg&index=8

Steganography is the art of hiding things in plain sight. It translates to “the study of hidden things” in Greek. You can hide data inside of other data. Then – if you did it right – people will be none the wiser. This tutorial will show you how to use Steganography to hide information in text, images, video, and even network traffic itself. (15 minute read): https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/what-is-steganography-hide-data-inside-data/

sudo apt install steghide
steghide embed -ef <data> -cf <image> -sf <stego_image> -v
steghide extract -sf <stego_image> -xf <extracted_data>
  • steghide – We specify the tool to use
  • embed – Tells the tool we want to embed data
  • -ef – Embed file, specifies the file to hide
  • -cf – Cover file, specifies the cover image
  • -sf – Stego file, creates a duplicate of the original image with the embedded file in it
  • -v – Verbose, gives us more information about the process
  • -sf – stego file, the image containing hidden data
  • -xf – extract file, the file with extracted data

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