Create a Navigation Menu or Bar Cache Option Adding CSS Styling
Hints and examples of Python code.
Create a Navigation Menu or Bar Cache Option Adding CSS Styling
Using xPath Examples in Practice
How to Deal With Files in Google Colab
Links to Websites that give hints or instructions. Testing Python Regular Expressions = https://pythex.org/ Testing XPath Queries = http://xpather.com/ Information on Python = https://softhints.com/ Use ChatGPT to Build a Low Code RegEx Generator = https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/use-chatgpt-to-build-a-regex-generator/ Public API = https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/public-apis-for-developers/ Python Automation Scripts = https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/python-automation-scripts/ Holy Python for Tutorials = https://holypython.com/ Cheat Sheet = https://devhints.io/ Diagram…
Fixing Numpy install errors and Panda install There are sometimes issues reported on Raspberry Pi setups when installing using pip3 install (or pip install). These will typically mention: Pandas Module for Merging Files # importing the moduleimport pandas # reading the filesf1 = pandas.read_excel(“registration details.xlsx”)f2 = pandas.read_excel(“exam results.xlsx”) # merging the filesf3 = f1[[“REGISTRATION NO”, “STUDENT EMAIL ID…
Hints on Using Tkinter Installing Tkinter on Linux sudo apt-get install python3-tk Tkinter Options Frame Border highlightbackground = “enter color here” (puts a border with your chosen color around the frame) highlightthickness = 20 (changes the thickness of the border) PhotoImage(file = “____”).subsample(x,y) ==> shrinks photo depending on the numbers you put in x and…
Hints-Magpi A list of possibly useful sites as found in the Magpi, Official Raspberry Pi Magazine Key Words Hint Link Comments file, sharing, samba, NAS samba magpi.cc/samba Use to set the Pi as a file sharing device for home network pico, audio, sound pico magpi.cc/audiopack pHat for pico to add stereo sound keypad, macros, pico…
Installing MySQL Server Instructions at < linuxhints.com/install-mysql-linux-mint-ubuntu/> First install mysql-server Make sure to <sudo mysql-secure-installation> after installing mysql server Install SQL Connectors for Python Three possible options, if one does not work, uninstall it and try another pip3 install mysql-connection pip3 install mysql-connection-python pip3 install mysql-connection-python-rf Fixing Error ERROR 1698 (28000): Access denied for user…
VS Extensions Currently Used or to Consider Jupyter Notebook Interactive Function in VS Code Start the notebook by adding the following at the beginning of the document: # %% View Excel Spreadsheets in VS Code using extension “Excel Viewer” Online IDE to use with Python Replit — consider signing in with Github account to link…
All the best hints for using Git. Added by all my fans. Simple Summary of Git Commands How to use Git-Ignore? Step 1: Open your terminal and change your directory to the folder where your files are located. cd directory(or)folderls -a Step 2: Create .gitignore File inside the project folder. Step 3: Write the name…