

Links to Websites that give hints or instructions. Testing Python Regular Expressions = https://pythex.org/ Testing XPath Queries = http://xpather.com/ Information on Python = https://softhints.com/ Use ChatGPT to Build a Low Code RegEx Generator = https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/use-chatgpt-to-build-a-regex-generator/ Public API = https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/public-apis-for-developers/ Python Automation Scripts = https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/python-automation-scripts/ Holy Python for Tutorials = https://holypython.com/ Cheat Sheet = https://devhints.io/ Diagram…



Fixing Numpy install errors and Panda install There are sometimes issues reported on Raspberry Pi setups when installing using pip3 install (or pip install). These will typically mention: Pandas Module for Merging Files # importing the moduleimport pandas  # reading the filesf1 = pandas.read_excel(“registration details.xlsx”)f2 = pandas.read_excel(“exam results.xlsx”)  # merging the filesf3 = f1[[“REGISTRATION NO”, “STUDENT EMAIL ID…



Hints on Using Tkinter Installing Tkinter on Linux sudo apt-get install python3-tk Tkinter Options Frame Border highlightbackground = “enter color here” (puts a border with your chosen color around the frame) highlightthickness = 20 (changes the thickness of the border) PhotoImage(file = “____”).subsample(x,y) ==> shrinks photo depending on the numbers you put in x and…

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Hints-Magpi A list of possibly useful sites as found in the Magpi, Official Raspberry Pi Magazine Key Words Hint Link Comments file, sharing, samba, NAS samba magpi.cc/samba Use to set the Pi as a file sharing device for home network pico, audio, sound pico magpi.cc/audiopack pHat for pico to add stereo sound keypad, macros, pico…



Installing MySQL Server Instructions at < linuxhints.com/install-mysql-linux-mint-ubuntu/> First install mysql-server Make sure to <sudo mysql-secure-installation> after installing mysql server Install SQL Connectors for Python Three possible options, if one does not work, uninstall it and try another pip3 install mysql-connection pip3 install mysql-connection-python pip3 install mysql-connection-python-rf Fixing Error ERROR 1698 (28000): Access denied for user…


Hints – VS Code

VS Extensions Currently Used or to Consider Jupyter Notebook Interactive Function in VS Code Start the notebook by adding the following at the beginning of the document: # %% View Excel Spreadsheets in VS Code using extension “Excel Viewer” Online IDE to use with Python Replit — consider signing in with Github account to link…



All the best hints for using Git. Added by all my fans. Simple Summary of Git Commands How to use Git-Ignore? Step 1: Open your terminal and change your directory to the folder where your files are located. cd directory(or)folderls -a Step 2: Create .gitignore File inside the project folder. Step 3: Write the name…