This page has information on using a USB webcam with the Raspberry Pi.

Webcam with the Terminal

How to use fswebcam

Consider the following commands to get started and use the webcam from the command line:

  • <sudo apt install fswebcam>
    • might need to to use <sudo usermod -a -G video user name>
  • to take a simple picture use <fswebcam image.jpg>
  • to change image resolution <fswebcam -r 1280×720 image.jpg>
  • to remove the banner under the picture <fswebcam –no-banner image.jpg>
  • to skip the first frame which is usually camera set up <fswebcam –skip1 image.jpg>
  • to find the list of cameras connected to the RaspPi <fswebcam -list-inputs>

Using OpenCV to Control a Webcam

Installing and using OpenCV to manage a webcam

Using a Webcam on Raspberry Pi

  • sudo install fswebcam
  • sudo usermod -a -G video root or sudo usermod -a -G video pi
  • fswebcam image.jpg