  • Install Ubuntu itself
    • If you want a separate Home partition consider:
      • 500 MiB EFI Partition
      • 50-100 GB / (root partition); consider larger partition if using virtual machines or Kasm
      • Remainder of disk space for /home
      • Swap partition (appears to be optional)
  • Create a base backup using the default backup program
  • In Software Center
    • Update
    • Be careful of the snap updates, figure out the best order that works, the order listed gave me an error
    • Install Timeshift
  • Create a Snapshot with Timeshift
  • Install USB Wifi Drivers if necessary
    • install “hardinfo” to see system information if wanted
    • Instructions at https://fostips.com/realtek-wifi-drivers-ubuntu-linux-mint/
    • sudo add-apt-repository ppa:kelebek333/kablosuz
    • sudo apt update
    • Install Synaptic Package Manager from Ubuntu Software if you don’t have it.
    • In Synapic Package Manager
      • Click Origin
      • Pick Kelebek list
      • From list mark rtl8188gu-dkms to install
      • Apply
      • Restart Computer
    • ls /usr/lib/modules/$(uname -r)/updates/dkms
    • sudo modprobe 8188gu
    • drivers should be listed under the driver app (reboot if not)
    • Pick rtl8822bu in DKMS from rtl8822bu-dkms
    • Go to menu and search for Wifi
      • Pick the wireless network and sign in
  • Install Chrome and Sign in to Get Settings, etc
    • Appearance – size large and Zoom 125%
    • Accessibility — large text
  • Installing Plasma and Other Desktop Options\s
    • sudo apt install tasksel
    • sudo tasksel
    • reboot
    • run tasksel
    • pick the desktop options such as Plasma, Ubuntu, MX, Mate, Gnome
    • reboot
    • Click on your sign in name, pick the desktop from the setting icon in lower right corner
    • System settings in Plasma
    • Appearance – change font size to 14 and Cursors to 36
    • Turn KDE Wallet Off (reboot for this to take effect)
    • Add widgets
      • Right click on menu taskbar and pick widget option
      • Add the Analog Clock
      • Add the Clipboard
      • Edit size and location of the widgets
  • VS Code
    • Used snap software installer to install VS code
    • Sign into code to sync settings and extensions
    • git is already installed
    • configure git
    • git config –global user.name “name you want to use”
    • git config –global user.email “email you want to use”
    • Clone repositories from Github
    • Install chromedriver for current chrome version to use selenium
  • Install Syncthing
    • https://computingforgeeks.com/how-to-install-and-use-syncthing-on-ubuntu/
    • https://idroot.us/install-syncthing-ubuntu-22-04/
    • http://localhost:8384
  • DB Browser for SQLite
    • Download from sqlitebrowser.org
    • Or, install from the Snap software installer
  • Setting Static IP Address