
Hints on Using Tkinter

Installing Tkinter on Linux

sudo apt-get install python3-tk

Tkinter Options

  • Frame Border
    • highlightbackground = “enter color here” (puts a border with your chosen color around the frame)
    • highlightthickness = 20 (changes the thickness of the border)
  • PhotoImage(file = “____”).subsample(x,y) ==> shrinks photo depending on the numbers you put in x and y, for example 10 and 10
  • PhotoImage(file = “____”).zoom(x,y) ==> enlarges photo depending on the numbers you put in x and y
  • pack()
    • side = LEFT, RIGHT, TOP, BOTTOM
    • fill = x, y, BOTH
    • padx= , pady= (external)
    • ipadx= , ipady= (internal)
  • grid()
    • row, column
    • padx= , pady= (external)
    • columnspan
    • rowspan
  • place()
    • x= , y= coordinates
    • fill, relx, rely, padx, etc.
  • Treeview
    • style = ttk.Style()
    • style.configure(“Treeview:
      • background = “color”,
      • foreground = “color”,
      • rowheight = 25,
      • fieldbackground = “color”)
    • style.map(‘Treeview’)
    • style.theme_use(“clam or default or alt”)
  • Copying information to the main clipboard with Tkinter Where ‘root’ is the main window
    • root.clipboard_clear()
    • root.clipboard_append()
    • root.clipboard_get()
  • Bind
    • tkinterobject.bind(event, action)
    • tkinterobject.bind(“<event>”, command)
      • Button-1 (left mouse button) and Button-3 (right mouse button)
      • Enter, Leave, Focus
      • Return (main enter key)
      • KP_Enter (keypad enter key)
      • myButton.bind(“<Leave>”, clicker) #On loss of focus#
      • myButton.bind(“<FocusIn>”, clicker) #Triggers event on tab into button
      • myButton.bind(“<Enter>”, clicker) #Triggers button when hover over it
      • myButton.bind(“<FocusOut>”, clicker) #Triggers on loss of focus
      • myButton.bind(“<Return>”, clicker) #Left Click
      • myButton.bind(“<Key>”, clicker) #Focus on button and hit on a key
  • tkinterobject.bind(“<Key>”, command) == put event.keysym in the command to find the name of the key you pressed
  • windows to top and background
    • window.lower() #puts the tkinter window (root) into the background
    • window.lift() #puts the tkinter window (root) into the foreground
    • window.attributes(‘-topmost’,True) #keeps window on top at all times
  • getting help information on tkinter objects
    • my_help = str(help(________)) #where you fill in the blank with the tkinter object, example: Label, Entry, etc.
    • print(my_help) #will print the help information on the object to the terminal

Useful Tkinter Links

Tkinter Widget Book

Here’s a link to your free pdf copy of my new Tkinter Widget Quick ReferenceGuide Book!
There you can view the book, or download the book to your computer or phone or tablet or whatever.
John Elder, Founder – Tkinter.com