
A place to keep and find your hints on Python use.

Possible Links for Training and Reference

Text File Usage

  1. with open (“filename.txt”, “r,w,or a”) as f:
    1. text = f.read() or f.readline() or f.readlines()
  2. you can try putting the above lines in an exception statement to make sure the file opens
    1. Try:
      1. with—etc
    2. except FileNotFound:
      1. do something here to indicate it
    3. os.path.
      1. isfiles(‘_____’) returns true or false
      2. isdir(‘_____’) returns true or false

Simple Copy to Clipboard

  • import clipboard
  • clipboard.copy(“______”)
  • textcopied = clipboard.paste()

Hints on Using Tkinter

  • Frame Border
    • highlightbackground = “enter color here” (puts a border with your chosen color around the frame)
    • highlightthickness = 20 (changes the thickness of the border)
  • PhotoImage(file = “____”).subsample(x,y) ==> shrinks photo depending on the numbers you put in x and y, for example 10 and 10
  • PhotoImage(file = “____”).zoom(x,y) ==> enlarges photo depending on the numbers you put in x and y
  • pack()
    • side = LEFT, RIGHT, TOP, BOTTOM
    • fill = x, y, BOTH
    • padx= , pady= (external)
    • ipadx= , ipady= (internal)
  • grid()
    • row, column
    • padx= , pady= (external)
    • columnspac
    • rowspan
  • place()
    • x= , y= coordinates
    • fill, relx, rely, padx, etc.
  • Treeview
    • style = ttk.Style()
    • style.configure(“Treeview:
      • background = “color”,
      • foreground = “color”,
      • rowheight = 25,
      • fieldbackground = “color”)
    • style.map(‘Treeview’)
    • style.theme_use(“clam or default or alt”)
  • Copying information to the main clipboard with Tkinter Where ‘root’ is the main window
    • root.clipboard_clear()
    • root.clipboard_append()
    • root.clipboard_get()
  • Bind
    • tkinterobject.bind(event, action)
    • tkinterobject.bind(““, command)
      • Button-1 (left mouse button) and Button-3 (right mouse button)
      • Enter, Leave, Focus
      • Return (main enter key)
      • KP_Enter (keypad enter key)
      • myButton.bind(“<Leave>”, clicker) #On loss of focus#
      • myButton.bind(“<FocusIn>”, clicker) #Triggers event on tab into button
      • myButton.bind(“<Enter>”, clicker) #Triggers button when hover over it
      • myButton.bind(“<FocusOut>”, clicker) #Triggers on loss of focus
      • myButton.bind(“<Return>”, clicker) #Left Click
      • myButton.bind(“<Key>”, clicker) #Focus on button and hit on a key
  • tkinterobject.bind(“<Key>”, command) == put event.keysym in the command to find the name of the key you pressed
  • windows to top and background
    • window.lower() #puts the tkinter window (root) into the background
    • window.lift() #puts the tkinter window (root) into the foreground
    • window.attributes(‘-topmost’,True) #keeps window on top at all times
  • getting help information on tkinter objects
    • my_help = str(help(________)) #where you fill in the blank with the tkinter object, example: Label, Entry, etc.
    • print(my_help) #will print the help information on the object to the terminal

Python Modules

  • dearpygui
  • moviepy
  • twillo
  • advanced python scheduler
  • vpython (for vector 3D graphics)
  • openpyxl (for working with Excel files or LibreCalc files with xlsx extensions)
  • pandas (installing pandas will automatically install numpy)
  • numpy
  • xlrd (for reading xlsx files)
  • pandas-ods-reader <https://pypi.org/project/pandas-ods-reader/>
  • pysimpleGUI
  • dataset (python module for connecting to database with simple commands)
  • might work for dealing with LibreOffice and LibreCalc odf files

Link from freecodecamp.org

Python VS JavaScript – what are the key differences? Estefania dives deep into both languages to explore how they handle loops, conditional logic, data types, input/output, and more. (20 minute read): https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/python-vs-javascript-what-are-the-key-differences-between-the-two-popular-programming-languages/

Opencv Hints

Installing Instructions

  • pip 3 install opencv-python or python3 -m pip install opencv-python
    • may need additional installation of:
      • pip3 install scikit-build
      • pip3 install cmake
  • for programming use import cv2

Web Scraping Hints


  • Real Python Beautiful Soup Reference
  • Dataquest Beautiful Soup Tutorial
  • Examples of using CSS Selectors
    • soup.select(‘p’)
    • soup.select(‘p a’) #find the ‘a’ tag within the ‘p’ tag
    • soup.select(‘p, a’) #find both the ‘a’ tag and the ‘p’ tag
    • soup.select(‘.class’)
    • soup.select(‘tag.class’)
    • soup.select(‘tag#ID’)
  • Use the inspect in browser, go to console tab
    • this will allow you to see what information is located in the CSS selector
    • $$(‘_________’) where the blank is the CSS Selector to test

MySql Database = possible hints to get it to work on Raspberry Pi

apt install mariadb-client mariadb-common mysql-common libmariadb-dev-compat libmariadbclient-dev

SQLite Hints

  • Adding a column to an existing table: ALTER TABLE
    • addcolumn = “ALTER TABLE _________ ADD COLUMN ________ varchar(32)
    • cur.execute(addcolumn)
    • where the first blank is the table name and the second blank is the name of the column to add
    • ALTER TABLE table name
    • ADD COLUMN column ______ definition; (example for blank is “column name text”
  • Exporting data from an SQLite database
    • Using a program SQLite3
      • sudo apt install sqlite3
    • SQLite Export using Python
      • with open(‘outputfile.csv’, ‘wb’) as f:
        • writer = csv.writer(f)
        • writer.writerow([‘col1’, ‘col2’, ……])
        • writer.writerows(data)

Virtual Environment for Python

  • On macOS and Linux:
    • python3 -m pip install –user virtualenv (to install)
    • python3 -m venv env (to create in the working directory)
    • to start the virtual environment in the working directory, type ‘source env/bin/activate’ (where env is the environment’s name)
    • to check if virtual environment is working
      • type ‘which python’
      • should show that you are using python3 in ‘…/env/bin/python3’
  • On Windows:
  • py -m pip install –user virtualenv

Creating a virtual environment:
To create a virtual environment, go to your project’s directory and run venv. If you are using Python 2, replace venv with virtualenv in the below commands.
On macOS and Linux:
python3 -m venv env
On Windows:
py -m venv env
The second argument is the location to create the virtual environment. Generally, you can just create this in your project and call it env or virt.
venv will create a virtual Python installation in the env folder.

Note You should exclude your virtual environment directory from your version control system using .gitignore or similar.

Activating a virtual environment
On macOS and Linux:
source env/bin/activate
On Windows:

Leaving the virtual environment
Simply run: deactivate

Clearing / Emptying a List

Hints for PySimpleGUI

  • import PySimpleGUI as sg Link to setting up and basic syntax
  • sg.theme(“themename”) Link to sample themes
    • sg.theme(‘guess’) #will give you a list of possible themes in the terminal view
  • sq.CalendarButton(“cal”)
  • http://Trinket.pysimplegui.org
  • http://PySimpleGUI.com
  • replit.com #website with online IDE
  • sg.Column(col_layout)
  • sg.Frame(‘title here’, frame_layout)
  • sg.TabGroup([sg.Tab(), —>list of tabs])
  • possible functions
    • popup_get_folder(‘text for popup here’)
    • popup_scrolled()
    • pad = (L, R) #substitute integers, example (3,6)
    • pad = ( (L,R), (T,B) )
    • text_color = ‘___ ‘
    • background_color =’___ ‘
    • enable_events = True
    • tooltip = ‘the tip goes here’
    • font = (‘Courier 14’)
    • use_ttk_buttons = True
    • justification = ‘r’ (or center or left)
    • target = “key of another element”
    • for use with the window, not for the layout
      • keep on top
      • no_titlebar = True
      • grab_anywhere = True
      • alpha_channel = .8 #makes the window transparent with levels from 0 to 1
  • Creating a function to create a row in a layout
    • def DataIn(text, key):
      • return[layout row where you replace the text and the key
      • BTW, can also do this directly without the replacement variables
  • Chooser Buttons
    • sg.FileBrowse()
    • FilesBrowse
    • FolderBrowse
    • CalendarButton
    • ColorChooserButton
    • sg.FileSaveAs

Pip Freeze and Requirements Text File

pip freeze will produce a similar list of the installed packages, but the output uses the format that pip install expects. A common convention is to put this list in a requirements.txt file:

(tutorial-env) $ pip freeze > requirements.txt
(tutorial-env) $ cat requirements.txt

The requirements.txt can then be committed to version control and shipped as part of an application. Users can then install all the necessary packages with install -r:

(tutorial-env) $ python -m pip install -r requirements.txt

You can install multiple python modules manually using: pip install module1 module2 module3 etc

Hints on use of OS Module with Python

  • os.mkdir(‘put-new-dir-name-here’)
  • os.chdir(‘put-new-working-dir-here’)
  • os.getcwd()
    • gives you your current working directory
  • os.chdir(‘..’)
    • moves you Up (back) one directory level
  • os.listdir()
    • dirlist = os.listdir()
      • creates a variable with the names of the directories
  • os.rmdir(‘put-directory-name-here-that-you-want-removed, deleted’)
  • os.uname()
  • os.remove(‘put-name-of-file-to-remove-here’)
  • os.rename(‘old-name’, ‘new-name’)
  • open a file
    • f = open(‘filename-here’, ‘w’)
      • ‘w’ opens the file to write
      • ‘r’ opens the file to read
      • ‘a’ opens the file to append
      • can use a combination as needed, ‘rw’
    • f.write(‘line-you-want-in-file’)
    • f.read()
      • reads the file into memory or a variable
    • f.close()
      • best to close a file after opening it
      • do not need to use this if using ‘f’ in a while statement

Hints on Using Lists

  • ‘list += another list’ is the same as ‘list = list + another list’
    • can be used to create complex layouts with PySimpleGUI
  • Adding a list to the end of another list
    • list1 = []
    • list2 = []
    • list1.extend(list2)
    • adds list2 to the end of list1

Hints on Using the requests-html library

  • item = response.html.xpath(‘ _________ “)
    • print(item)
  • item = response.html.find(‘ ________ ‘, first=True).text
    • if trying to find a class use ‘.nameofclass’ in the blank above
    • if trying to find an ID use ‘#nameofID’ in the blank above

Hints on Using the Helium module

  • Helium Cheatsheet
  • from helium import *
  • start_chrome(url=url, headless=False)
  • helium.
    • go_to(url)
    • set_driver(driver path)
    • get_driver()
    • write(‘text’, into=”____”)
    • press(“key”)
    • press(ENTER)
    • press(CONTROL+”key”)
    • click(“element”) doubleclick(“element”)
    • click(Button(“OK”))
    • click(Point(200,300))
    • click(ComboBox(“File Type”).top_left+(50,0))
    • find_all()

How to Automatically Install Required Packages From a Python Script?

Installing Chromedriver For Selenium

  • Make it executable and move to /usr/local/share
    • chmod +x ~/Downloads/chromedriver
    • sudo mv -f ~/Downloads/chromedriver /usr/local/share/chromedriver
  • Create symbolic links
    • sudo ln -s /usr/local/share/chromedriver /usr/local/bin/chromedriver
    • sudo ln -s /usr/local/share/chromedriver /usr/bin/chromedriver
  • https://bangladroid.wordpress.com/2016/08/10/how-to-install-chrome-driver-in-linux-mint-selenium-webdriver/
  • Possible New Chrome Testing Browser for Chromedriver 116
    • https://developer.chrome.com/blog/chrome-for-testing/
    • https://googlechromelabs.github.io/chrome-for-testing/
    • https://stackoverflow.com/questions/76913935/selenium-common-exceptions-sessionnotcreatedexception-this-version-of-chromedri

list comprehension = a way to create a new list with less syntax

  • can mimic certain lambda functions, easier to read
  • list = [expression for item in iterable]
  • list = [expression for item in iterable if conditional]
  • list = [expression if/else for item in iterable]
  • Example
    • students =[100,90,80,70,60,50,40,30,0]
    • # passed_students = list (filter ( lambda x: x>=60, students))
    • # passed_students =[i for i in students if i>=60]
    • passed_students = [i if i >= 60 else “FAILED” for i in students ]
    • print (passed_students)
      • [100,90,80,70,60, ‘FAILED’, ‘FAILED’, ‘FAILED’, ‘FAILED’ ]
  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fcLDzKH_5XM&list=TLPQMTUxMTIwMjNLhhwR0gYtGA&index=3
  • Simple code to remember how it works
    • new_list = [new_item for item in list]
    • new_list = [new_item for item in list if condition]

Dictionary Methods

  • values()
    • users: dict = {1: ‘Mario’, 2: ‘Ted’, 3: ‘Fred’}
    • print(users.values())
  • keys()
    • print(users.keys())
  • pop()
    • removes a value related to the key
      • users.pop(2)
    • popped = users.pop(2)
    • print(popped) <this would give the key and value that was removed>
  • popitem()
  • copy()
  • get()
  • setdefault()
  • clear()
  • fromkeys()
  • items()
  • update()

Additional Hints on Python Use in Comments Below:


  1. Possible way to find and replace an element in a list
    a= [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1]
    >>> for n, i in enumerate(a):
    … if i == 1:
    … a[n] = 10

    >>> a
    [10, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10]

  2. Finding and Cleaning Duplicates from a List

    testList3 = [2,2,5,3,5,2,28,5,6,7]
    duplicates=[i for i in testList3 if testList3.count(i)>1]
    unique = set(testList3)
    uniqueList = list(unique)

  3. Sorting a list within list list

    people = [[“Homer”, 2 ,4], [“Marge”, 44 ,45]]

    people.sort(key=lambda x: x[2]) #will sort on the 3rd element in each list
    people.reverse() #will reverse the above sort order

  4. Placing the driver for selenium to find it on Linux

    cd to the folder the driver is in, usually downloads and cp to user/bin
    for example for Firefox geckodriver do this ………..
    -cd downloads
    -sudo cp geckodriver /user/bin/geckodriver

    Another Option
    There is an easy way to install Geckodriver:

    Install webdrivermanager with pip. pip install webdrivermanager.
    Install the driver for Firefox and Chrome. webdrivermanager firefox chrome –inkpath /usr/local/bin.
    Or install the driver only for Firefox. …
    Or install the driver only for Chrome.

    Source: https://ostoday.org/linux/how-do-i-run-geckodriver-on-linux.html

  5. import webbrowser >>> browser_path = "C:/Program Files (x86)/Google/Chrome/Application/chrome.exe %s" >>> url = "https://www.youtube.com" >>> webbrowser.get(browser_path).open(url)How to find path to a file says:

    How to find path to a file, example to Chrome

    type the command below to locate chrome in your PC
    whereis google-chrome
    and execute /usr/bin/google-chrome command to run chrome

    import webbrowser
    browser_path = “C:/Program Files (x86)/Google/Chrome/Application/chrome.exe %s”
    url = “https://www.youtube.com”

  6. Virtual Environment

    To install: pip3 install virtualenv
    To use:
    — go to the directory where you want to create the python program in the terminal
    — use the command: ‘virtualenv .’
    — to activate in Linux use: ‘source bin/activate’
    — to deactivate use: ‘deactivate’

    1. Add to create a virtual environment in a directory after the virtual environment is installed use:
      python3 -m venv XXXXX (where XXXXX is the name of the virtual environment, traditionally ‘virt’)

  7. Make a Python File Run in Linux

    Making a Python script executable and runnable from anywhere
    Add this line as the first line in the script: #!/usr/bin/env python3.
    At the unix command prompt, type the following to make myscript.py executable: $ chmod +x myscript.py.
    Move myscript.py into your bin directory, and it will be runnable from anywhere.
    Now, ​simply type ./SCRIPTNAME.py to run the executable script

  8. Tkinter Checkbox Use Summary

    my-var = IntVar or StringVar

    c = Checkbutton(root, text=”whatever”, variable = my_variable) #for interger
    c = Checkbutton(root, text=”whatever”, variable = my_variable, onvalue=”something”, offvalue=”something else”) #for string
    result = my_var.get()
    c.deselect() #when using strings?

  9. Converting Text to Speech with Python
    also consider using gTTS which uses Google API to translate the information into a mp3 file

    import pyttsx3
    import PyPDF2
    book = open(‘oop.pdf’, ‘rb’)
    pdfReader = PyPDF2.PdfFileReader(book)
    pages = pdfReader.numPages

    speaker = pyttsx3.init() #could not get this to work
    for num in range(7, pages):
    page = pdfReader.getPage(num)
    text = page.extractText()

  10. Tkinter Text Box Hints

    Undo and Redo Options
    First Add to the textbox build: undo=True
    my_btn = (root, text=”Undo”, command=nameoftextbox.edit_undo)
    my_btn = (root, text=”Redo”, command=nameoftextbox.edit_redo)

    Using Padding with Widgets
    pady = (A, B) # A= padding above, B = padding below example: pady = (20, 10)
    padx = (L, R) # L= padding left side, R = padding right side example: padx = (10, 5)

    Assigning Focus to an Object
    Object.focus() #example Entry.focus()

    Tab Order
    Depends on the order you create the objects in, packing defines where the object displays on the window
    To change tab order check this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A5Tbh_8nscA

  11. In this video I will show you how to install OpenCV for python in the easiest way within few minutes.
    Commands used in this video:

    sudo apt-get install libhdf5-dev libhdf5-serial-dev libhdf5-100
    sudo apt-get install libqtgui4 libqtwebkit4 libqt4-test
    sudo apt-get install libatlas-base-dev
    sudo apt-get install libjasper-dev
    wget https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py
    sudo python3 get-pip.py
    sudo pip3 install opencv-contrib-python

    **Edit : While importing opencv if you get error like “ImportError: /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/cv2/cv2.cpython-37m-arm-linux-gnueabihf.so: undefined symbol: __atomic_fetch_add_8” ,then use

    “sudo pip3 install opencv-contrib-python==” – this command as the latest version of openCV doesn’t work with RPi.

  12. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WQeoO7MI0Bs
    In this video we are going learn everything required to get started with OpenCV in Python. We will be using Python since it is one of the most popular programming languages. And it has opened numerous job opportunities in various sectors. We will start from the installation process right up to creating exciting projects such as detecting colors , shapes humans and even vehicle number plates. So If you are a beginner don’t worry this course is for you. We will skip all the boring theory stuff and focus on the practical implementation. So you can get the computer vision skill set you have always wanted in your CV. By the end of the course you will become familiar with the core principle of opencv and apply different techniques to solve real world problems using computer vision.

    Code & Text Based Version: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzv_k6lxolY4rzndB71AfUw

    Time Stamps: available at the YouTube address of the video

  13. How to add background Image in tkinter window and also adding Image in Buttons.

    Website links:
    Background Image: https://www.freepik.com
    Text Creating Website: https://textcraft.net
    Button Creating Website: http://buttonoptimizer.com
    Image Compressor Website: https://www.countingcharacters.com/im

    Tkinter Course:
    Part I : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZGf2e
    Part II: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IA0zu
    Part III : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZSum_
    Part V : https://youtu.be/LQmFITWZ3BU
    Part VI: https://youtu.be/vaDmwpBUQAg
    Part VII: https://youtu.be/nJRNkSJUqJE
    Part VIII: https://youtu.be/GM5t2J1GUQg
    Part IX: https://youtu.be/xwnTimlvDBI

  14. Information on the use of Python Pillow, PIL, Package from TutorialsPoint


    Following example demonstrates the rotation of an image using python pillow −
    from PIL import Image
    #Open image using Image module
    im = Image.open(“images/cuba.jpg”)
    #Show actual Image
    #Show rotated Image
    im = im.rotate(45)
    from PIL import Image
    def tnails():
    image = Image.open(‘images/cat.jpg’)
    image1 = Image.open(‘images/thumbnail.jpg’)
    except IOError:
    The program for resizing and saving the resized image is given below −

    #Import required Image library
    from PIL import Image

    #Create an Image Object from an Image
    im = Image.open(“images/cat.jpg”)

    #Display actual image

    #Make the new image half the width and half the height of the original image
    resized_im = im.resize((round(im.size[0]*0.5), round(im.size[1]*0.5)))

    #Display the resized imaged

    #Save the cropped image

Comments are closed.